Boycott medication?

You can achieve as much health as you wish, as much recovery in your body as you can think of and as much power as you wish without even consuming your daily dose of medicine.

Here, I am to twirl the passive approach of the people towards seeking the healthy lifestyle only by medication. 

But, is there any way to not consume the medicines and then also stay as healthy as you think? Yes, there surely is. Is it some kind of new practise? Not at all!

Well, I believe that this is the topic which will surely attract your attention because who don't want to know the ways to stay away from medicines? Who don't want to take off the load of medicines from there head?

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I request you to be with me till the end, so that, you are fully aware of the methods to take a step aback from the consumption of medicines.

In today's world not even a single person is there who can say that I haven't consumed the medicine in any situation. This is because of our limited knowledge about the cure which can only be seen by taking the doses prescribed by doctors.

"You will get what you'll think of"   
                           -Dr.Joseph Murphy

 An study was conducted in university of Toronto, under which there were two groups of children. Whenever there was any problem related to health, one group was given real medicine whereas to the other group duplicate of medicine was given known as placebo which actually was not real medicine.

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At the end, after there time period of taking the dose on regular basis was over, what was the effect? Surprisingly, result was same in both the cases. 

How? Due to mental believe. Each one of them thought that, they were consuming real medicine but were unfamiliar to the fact that not all were having the real one. 

Here, person's mental believe and power plays an important role. And, it is certainly proved by this study that our brain's have more power than any medicine can contain. 

These are not only the facts but the real happenings that took place around the globe. Doctors have proved that a person can be cured without medicines. Even psychologists and psychiatrists  have also proven it.

I am not saying that medicines are of no use or are useless. Obviously, on needs it in critical situations. And only in these critical situation we loose our control over our mind. And, because of this loosened grip on our mind we feel the need of medicine.

This is the very point where we loose our hope and believe in our selfs and in our powers. Even I also loose my believe  sometimes. It is natural thing. But still we can do something.

Here's one realistic thing that, when we are hurt we know we will be cured and alright, why? Because medicines are there, doctors are there. We have full faith in them. We know they will help to take us out from this circumstance. 

Let me ask you a question, why not put this faith in our self?

If you can imagine that doctors and medicines can cure you, then you can also imagine doctors and medicines does not even exists.

Person can only believe in one thing, either medicines or yourself. You need to decide it because if you go through the imagination that medicines are not there in the world, the only approach left will be your own.

And, once you stepped into this approach your believe in yourself will be sky-rocketing and you will easily find the solution for every problem and life will open the doors for you.

I always think that there is no one to guide me because no one is actually there. I have taken the responsibility of my life, so why not deal with my issues myself?

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You need to think like this because you only will be responsible for your success no one else. You only are the person to make miracles happen for you. No one is going to make miracles happen to you.

When you are grown up enough your parents will not always rome around you. Its better as soon as you can manage to make yourself responsible for everything you do.

 And if you can do so, you can also see that no doctors, no nurse and no medicine is left in the world for you. Only way to cure yourself is by taking responsibility. Take the responsibility to use your own mental power and simply visualise yourself healthy and enjoying life.

Obviously, some chemicals or other things are added in the medicines to take charge of the body part affected and it does works.

But, if you take a deeper look and for a while think of the expenditure on the medicines. And that for a middle class family it will be not less than 6 to 7000 rupees per month. 

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Easily this much amount is spend but we don't take that into charge. I know you people have rich thinking but it should not be rich as per as medicines are concerned. I will never advice you to spend your money on medicine instead invest your time on your brains and make them as sharp as the nib of the pin, so that, it can do anything that you demand then to.

I personally cured my back pain and knee pain without consuming any bit of medicine.How? By visualising myself as in perfect health and the things that I can do when my back and knee is fully perfect and alright. 

I am not telling to brag about anything but to tell you that these things actually  exisit. You have infinite power. Your brain is the greatest miracle ever happened to you.

I wonder to the fact that, we people have the power to spend money on medicines but we don't have that much time to spend on imagining our self as a healthy citizen. How bad is it on our part and how good it is for the people running businesses in medical line.

We leave hope any time and that also anywhere. Simply because the brains are not nourished well. You need to plough positivity to recieve positivity. Give yourself the importance, give yourself rewards for winning positive believe over negativity. 

Keep making your brain happy and it will make you happy.

That's it! 

Last words, 

"Brain is the true power not the medicine".

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog post.Keep supporting so that I can serve you people as much as I can.

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